Increase Blog Traffic Just In 72 Hours

Search For Quality Niche O ne thing almost any professional blogger will tell you before you start blogging is that you need to find your niche. Writing just about yourself and the things you do each day may be enjoyable for you, but finding thousands of other people that want to read about your daily adventures will be difficult. Its not that people aren’t interested in what you have to say, it may just be that they’re more interested in your knowledge and experience about one particular topic. Based on our experience with Mashable tricks and a few other websites, we advise you to find a niche that’s big enough to allow your blog to grow to a significant number of readers but at the same time not be so large and vast that you’re trying to compete with the major players in a market. Unless you started blogging or are a major online player, the chances of you starting a new blog about broad topics such as Finance, Professional Blogging, Making Money Online, Professional Sports, or News...