5 Tips to increase earnings with Google Adsense
Just want to say that the described tips - it's just a recommendation. But not truths. Real situation specifically in your blog will help to establish a practice. Therefore, try, experiment, tell me about the results. In the meantime, I offer you 5 tips using which you are likely to increase their income from contextual advertising Adsense. Tip 1: Use custom channels Adsense. To create a channel, go to the home page Google Adsense . Next in the "My Ads", and in the right menu, select "Custom Channels". Click "New client channel." Write the name of the channel. For example, "before fasting." And add in the left window into the right window are the ad units, which are located at the top before Lent. If the ad units are not created yet, do not worry. You can add them at any time. To do this, just click on the name of the desired client channel. By the way, the name can be chosen based not only on the placements. The channels may differ in colo...