
Showing posts from April, 2016

Comment faire vidéos - Youtuber

comment Comment Vidéos explicatives Comment faire Whiteboard Animations Comment faire entreprise Video Comment Vidéos pour Applications Comment faire vignette avec le logo Comment Vidéos pour Evénements Comment Dessins animés Comment faire Kinetic Typographie Comment faire Remorques et Titres Comment Texte seulement Comment peindre Effet Comment Scrapbook Album Comment faire Pop-Up Livres Comment Diaporama Vidéos Comment faire l'animation 3D

Latest Google Adsense Account Approval Process - 2017

Adsense is one of the most use contextual advertising network used by bloggers. Until now it's the best network that provide really engaging ads to your audience. After many years Adsense account approval was simple. It's easy as 1-2-3 you create an Adsense account, Adsense team will accept your application, Implement the ad codes to your blog and earn money. In the past years there are many changes on the account approval process.If the Adsense approval process is easy, why many bloggers are complaining and asking why their application was rejected by the Adsense team. So I have all the answers about that one question in this article: 15 Most important Things To Do Before Applying for Google Adsense . Google Adsense Account Approval has 4 Steps before you can be considered that you really have an Adsense Account. You can only withdraw your earnings from Adsense if you passed to all these 4 steps, which takes from 1 month to 1 year. The waiting time really depends on...

How to Sign Up for Adsense Using Blogger - 2017

Hi, guys today I'm gonna show on how you can sign up for Google AdSense using your blogger account. We must apply for Adsense using blogger because it's not allowed to apply directly to Adsense if you have a domain. This kind of Adsense account is called as host partner or hosted account this is only available for blogger and YouTube. An Adsense hosted account can only be used on the blog that you input during the sign-up process. You can also request to upgrade your hosted account into a normal account which you can use it on multiple blogs or website. As of now I don't have articles about that but you can search it on Google and I'm planning to write a tutorial about that next month. But First What is Adsense? Adsense is a program run by Google Adsense where the ads are based on your content and to the wants of your visitors. Adsense will display ads that are relevant to what your readers are searching, these ads might be text, image, video or interactiv...

Trade Forex and the Stock Market Profitably Without Indicators

Most of us are still wondering what the hell we're talking about when we say price of the transaction. This is the way the trade fair and possibly light could activate for some people and will start to really see the price as it really is. I will not enter candlestick patterns as they are covered by many experts in the field. What I will be talking about is the price action and price patterns. It's what you see on the screen when "naked" empty of everything blurred vision. Perhaps, if it continues, it is understandable why price moves towards the way it does. The price is "alive" in a manner of speaking. I treat it like a hunter. Learn their habits, and have habits that are repeated over and over again, makes all the difference between bringing home a trophy, put the meat on your table or go hungry another day. When I look at all trading systems and indicators all over the place and the latest bells and whistles that people use to conduct their operations, I...

La planification d'avoir un blog?

La planification d'avoir un blog? Planification: Qui a le blog savent qu'il conteste une place dans nos horaires sur une base quotidienne et avec d'autres tâches, le travail, l'étude et aussi du temps de loisirs, mis combien de fois par semaine, je vais poster ce qui compte, quel type de contenu (vidéo, image, texte). chercher de nouvelles choses à améliorer la communication avec votre public, la surveillance, la monétisation, la conception, la feuille de calcul Excel peut aider beaucoup pour tout organiser. Rester motivé Contrôler un blog prend du temps et de la persévérance, mais si vous continuez à travailler avec passion et offrent aux utilisateurs un contenu pertinent, vos efforts seront beaucoup de valeur. Assurez-vous d'écrire sur un sujet qui est intéressant pour vous, car il vous permet de rester motivé et inspiré