
Showing posts from June, 2017

Optimizing your website and blog images

Optimizing your website and blog images Learn how to optimize your blog's images to improve search engine results and increase visits through images Seo Images - Optimize image - Alt Title Image To optimize the images of your blog you will need to follow 3 simple steps 1 Put a name on each image Putting name in each image helps the search engines find the images because here is what you say about what your image is. 2 Add alt and title in each image of your blog What is alt tag? What is tag title? 3 Add a caption to each picture in your article How to add a caption in the image? If you already have a website or blog with many posts and dozens of images would take a lot to make the optimization of each image, right? For this we have the solution for you, there is a quick and easy way to optimize the images in your blog automatically which is a script that automatically adds alt and title to each image of your blog. Here's how to add seo script to images on your blog.