How to Customize Robots Header Text In blogger
B logger's new interface Has a lot of new options than its old interface Including robot.txt header For every Post.Using Robots header text you can control on your every post,Archieve for search engine index schedule.Search Engine will follow or no-follow your post or another only depends on robots header text. We have few option for custom robots header text In Blogger . All: "all" is the equivalent to "index, follow" NoIndex: Search engine will not index your page. NoFollow: Google Bot or Spider will not follow any link in page None: "none" is the equivalent to "noindex, nofollow" NoArchive: Page will not get cache NoSnippet: Google will not display snippet in SERP(search engine result page) NoODP: Google will not display description from ODP (Open Directory Project) NoTranslate: Google will not Translator to translate your webpage NoImageIndex: No image will get index from that page by Crawler. Unavailable_After: It will tell sea...