SEO - Optimized Metatags

There are two important Meta Tags and they are the meta description and meta keyword tags. Some search engines may display the meta description as part of the search results, but the meta keywords tags should not appear in search results.

The general consensus among SEO experts is that meta tags are dead. Even so, many of these same experts continue to use meta tags in their own sites.

For Google adding the Description Meta Tag won't result in a boost in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), but the description might be used for the description for your SERP listings in Google. Yahoo says they use the Keyword Meta Tag when it ranks a page. So it makes sense to add one for Yahoo and any other minor search engines that still use.

What do the Meta Tags Look Like?

You can add following in the head section of the web page:
<meta name="keywords" 
about 30 to 40 unique words">

<meta name="description"
content="An accurate, keyword-rich description
about 150 characters">

Meta Description Tag Tips:

There are few essential guidelines for excellent meta description tags:

  • Use search phrases in your meta description tag.
  • Try not to do it again the terms far too often, but try to use several syntaxes of your key terms.
  • There should not be more than 150 chracters in some meta tag of just one website.
  • Use a different meta description tag for each web page, as each web page is different and appears a better possibility of being discovered if you position a excellent name and outline on it.

 Meta Keywords Tag Tips:

There are few essential guidelines for excellent meta search phrases labels. Please refere to past section on determining excellent search term.

  • Use synonyms
  • Use exclusive keywords
  • No need to do it again any given term.
  • You can do it again any term an endless period provided that everytime it is aspect of a different term.                      

Robots Meta Tag:

The essential Meta Tag that you may need sometime is the Spiders Meta Tag which looks like this:

meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
Using above meta tag you can tell to a examine or software that you do not want some of your webpages listed or that you do not want your hyperlinks followed.


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