SEO - XHTML Verifcation for Web Site

You design and make a website but how would you know if you have put all the HTML structure in appropriate way. Almost all on the internet web browser don't complaint against your wrong structure but wrong is wrong. There are many SEO experts who announce that SEO is not a few website HTML/XHTML confirmation. But I will tell you various aspects why your website should be W3C Complying.

Why HTML/XHTML Verification is Required?

There are various aspects to validate your website before web coordinator it on the internet.

  • Any website fantastic is established by how well you have released your website.It should be syntactically appropriate and should finish all the Excellent Gateways.

  • When any Look for Website does list for your website content it might get confused if your HTML brands are not released successfully and much of the website content might not be detailed successfully.

  • There might be many HTML brands which you are using in your website but then have been reduced and many of the search engines also don't support them.

  • Consistency, HTML Value Beauty, Process Complying are always respected by fantastic Internet marketers.

What Is W3C Compliance?

The W3C is the World Huge Web Variety and since 1994 the W3C has provided the suggestions by which websites and websites should be organized and developed. Here are the backlinks to validate your web pages:

  • Validate HTML/XHTML Pc computer file against W3C Traditional HTML/XHTML Validator.

  • Validate CSS Pc computer file against W3C Traditional CSS Validator.

While doing confirmation you will get faults along with appropriate aspects. All the validations will be done using XHTML DTD which is a improved verison of HTML.

Rules for W3C Compliance:

There are following suggestions which you should keep in your ideas while writing your websites.

  • Use the XHTML statement statements to start every XHTML page:

"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">

  • Every tag must be close.

  • The go and program brands are now necessary.

  • Empty brands get a finishing decrease. An unfilled tag is a tag that doesn't need an end tag. For example <br> and <hr>.

<BR> is now <br />.
<HR> is now <hr />.
<IMG SRC="--"> is now <img src="--" />

  • All brands must be reduced scenario. This does not apply to functions, only brands. For example, both of these kinds are appropriate under the XHTML DTD:

<FONT color="#ffffcc"> is invalid
<font color="#ffffcc"> is valid
<font color="#FFFFCC"> is also valid
All the function concepts should be put with-in double quote.

  • Tags may not nested

<b><i>Text</b></i> This is invalid
<b><i>Text</i></b> This is valid

  • The <pre> tag should not contain: img, product, big, little, sub, or sup.

  • One <form> tag can not be within another <form> tag.

  • If your value contains a &, it must be released as &amp;.

  • Any use of CSS should use all reduced scenario writing.


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