How to do defer loading of Javascript on websites and Blogs

Deferring Javascript files and Scripts load time for Faster Page Speed and quicker loading Websites and Blogs as recommended by Google for making web faster

how to defer parse or defer load javascript files and codes on your site or blog via google pagespeed recommendations
Defer parsing Javascript files and codes for Faster sites
Whether you are a Web developer or a normal Blogger or a owner of a highly popular eCommerce site everyone wants their site to look awesome to attract more visitors and push in the user engagement by using Javascript to add in the necessary interaction to their site but in the process they make their sites super slow, as sites now are full of interactions and the user has to wait for the full site to load which is just a signal that your site's ranking is going to be very poor as your are not following the Google page speed guidelines which clearly ranks websites based on the starting load time a webpage takes to load, the faster it is the higher it is ranked. Now you don't have to remove all the Javascript based interactions from your website to make your site's Google Page speed score better but you can have both interaction and page speed at the same time by correctly deferring Javascript files and scripts on your website or blog. The key here is to defer the loading of external Javascript files and scripts and show the actual content first, that is faster initial load time while deferred Javascript files load at their own pace getting them ready by the time user scrolls down the content, that is user doesn't have to wait for the interactions to load first and can have amazing user experience at the same time. Now let's get started with defer loading your Javascript files on your site or blog.
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